Aubry Padmore
Author, Speaker, Mentor, Publisher, Adjunct Professor
Aubry is originally from Barbados. Many may be unaware but he was actually born a mute – no speech. He only began to speak at three years of age. He recalls the neighbors laughing at him when he began to attempt speaking because he stuttered very badly at that time. Some friends today often make him recount those days he stuttered, reminding him of those earlier years when he found himself posted in the front window so his mother could have easy access to ensure his safety. Some of the passing neighbors nicknamed him “Dummy.”
Aubry lives in Atlanta, Georgia after relocating from New York where he worked for the Unified Court System as the Supervising Court Aide, as an administrator overseeing operations of all local borough courts under the direction of the Administrative Judge and the Chief Clerk of Court. He served as an adjunct professor at Metropolitan College of New York after being invited to deliver a keynote speech that led student prospects to enroll in college. The one semester offering turned into seven years as an instructor due to student requests for his presence. He taught marketing, public relations, world civilizations, and entrepreneurship, just to name a few.
Throughout his tenure in New York, Aubry also participated in several community-related organizations, such as The Boy Scouts of America where he created scout troops in local housing projects and schools. He also volunteered with the Caribbean community as a community journalist and assisted with the founding of CAP, a community-based nonprofit geared at empowering youth and the disabled inclusive of elderly persons. His passion for his fellow human beings propels him daily.
Aubry is a member of The Cobb Multicultural Coalition, which works in conjunction with the Chairwoman of Cobb County to facilitate community engagement on a variety of concerns and also plan the annual Cobb County International Festival. He continues to serve on the National Caribbean-American Heritage Month Committee in Washington D.C.
Over time Aubry successfully structured a strategic, purpose-filled plan for his life to become a successful empowerment speaker, author, coach, publisher and adjunct professor. He also served as the founder of CaribVoiceRadio, a community-based web radio program focused on Caribbean-American groups globally. He launched many global initiatives in relationship to management, “mindset=management” aggregation and public speaking. As a podcaster he had the opportunity to interview many successful authors and company CEO’s of international distinction.
Aubry is an innovative thinker and practitioner of his concepts. He lives the life he speaks about on a daily basis. He is currently a full-time entrepreneur specializing in edutainment. He believes in educating people about themselves as he has done for himself over the last forty one plus years. He serves as the CEO and Founder of his legacy company Padmore Global Enterprises LLC., founded in 2023 as a dedication to his family name and siblings. He continues to raise the bar on entrepreneurship through qualified collaborations with like-minded business owners.