Dr. Denis Kamau Muthoni
Director, Board of Postgraduate Studies | The Co-operative University of Kenya.
Director, Board of Postgraduate Studies; Senior Lecturer, Supply Chain Management, Department of Entrepreneurship and Economics; The Co-operative University of Kenya
He holds a PhD in Supply Chain Management from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (KUAT), a Master of Science in Procurement and Logistics from JKUAT and a Bachelor of Education; Arts in Economics and Business Studies (second class honours, upper ivision) from Kenyatta University; both of these institutions are in Kenya.
Additionally, he has a professional qualification as a certified public accountant. He has over 13 years experience in tertiary education as a tutor, lecturer, researcher, conference presenter, consultant and post graduate research supervisor with a bias in value chains.
In 2017, he was a beneficiary of the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) Fellowship grant for the Market Access for Food Security programme held by the Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands. This programme was tailored towards providing the beneficiaries with the skills and knowledge of enabling farmers in their home countries with the wherewithal of
getting their products to local and global markets in the right quality and time.
He has 6 publications in peer reviewed journals and has authored two modules for Mount KenyaUniversity. Currently, he also serves as the Director of the Board of Postgraduate Studies.
In dealing with farmers, he has been instrumental in various programmes that the University has undertaken with producer co-operatives as a consultant and trainer; key among which was the training of coffee and dairy farmers' co-operatives members and management on financial management, entrepreneurship, resource mobilization, good governance, marketing skills,
responsible business conduct and leadership in 2018 and 2020, respectively. He continues to be actively involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the two programmes to date.
From these engagements he has gathered a wealth of information on the agricultural sector in Kenya from the private and the regulatory
The Co-operative University of Kenya. P. O. Box 24814 - 00502 Karen, Nairobi
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