Dr. Lucy Surhyel Newman
President, Africa Private Sector Summit
She refers to herself as a global citizen that is proudly African and of Nigerian descent. She is an International Consultant and Policy Advisor with nearly four decades’ experience in executive, non-executive and consulting or advisory roles. Her work and advisory experience traverse the Private, Public and Non-Profit Sectors in Nigeria, including Sub Regional, Continental and Global Professional Networks as well as some Multilateral Agencies. Consequently, her professional and private travels have given her opportunities to visit over a third of African countries and four other continents, a couple of times. In terms of roles, she has in addition to executive roles through her career leading up to a CEO role for a decade, as well as consulting roles, she has continued to serve on Boards, Think Tanks, Jury Panels and Multilateral Missions while being a writer.
Lucy has a Doctorate in Business Administration from University of Phoenix, Arizona USA, an MBA and a B.Sc. in Business Administration, from Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria and an International Director Certification in Corporate Governance, from INSEAD Business School, Fontainebleau, France. She is a recipient of several premium recognitions and honours at home and abroad, including the International Society for Performance Improvement [ISPI]’s highest individual award, the Thomas F. Gilbert Distinguished Professional Achievement Award of 2019. She is an author of several professional articles on policy applicable to Nigeria and Africa. Her latest book titled African Leaders’ Tete A Tete: Navigating Entity Design and Prioritization for Systemic Outcomes released October 2022 has been attracting attention. Lucy is happily married to Dr Gabriel Rotimi Olokodana, has three interesting adult personalities as sons and a beautiful teen stepdaughter.